Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Magical Land of Southern California

Hello my loves!!! I am so excited to see you all so soooooonnn!!! I'm in the middle of all my finals so I'm going to try to do a couple of quick updates!

Pitzer is a magical place and I have come to love it dearly!
I easily adjusted to the heat, and my tolerance for the cold has all but disappeared, you all are sure to have a wonderful time making fun of me because, guys, I put on sweater and boots if its below 75 degrees out... yeah.

The weather is actually starting to show signs of winter though (It rained today!!!!!) and I am welcoming it with open arms.

But usually Pitzer looks like this...

(These are our dorms, but they are more like a resort and we all feel really quite spoiled.)

And there's a lot of studying by the pool...

(Look at me reading for fun! It must have been the beginning of the year...)

And general warm, outdoor splendor...

(This is my roommate Lindsay. She's pretty much the sweetest, most loving, innocent, wonderful thing on the planet. She took a gap year and worked with elephants in Thailand, so she's also a boss.)

I also became a little bit of a party animal (not so much lately due to my workload) and it often looks like this...

(Robert, an RA, which can get a little awk, but also a friend and a big fucking hipster; Me; Bryn, very tall, very blonde, very Minnesota; Margot, also very blonde, our little diva and princess but we love her for it; and Emily, my "Best Friend in My Fake Life" as we so fondly call each other)

So naturally, it also often results in the consumption of unhealthy amounts of Sparkling Cider!.......

(Because we're classy)

I'll post more soon!!

I wish you all luck on your finals!

And remember.....

Love you all to the moon and back!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On to Jewish Job #5

Hi everyone!
I made a little video for you. Watch it in full screen, and make sure your sound is on ;)

Also, I forgot to mention that Washington DC is the shit, and I have a job at the National Hillel headquarters. We send kids to Israel for free.

And here is a picture of some of my Gallaudet family

Lots of love!!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Yeah, turns out I'm bad at this whole "keeping up" thing. Sorry.

Oh. Hello there.
I'm sitting in an empty classroom, waiting for ear-training to start. I love ear-training, by the way. Mostly because Saint Paul actually taught us a little bit about what we need to know in college.
Huh. Maybe that can constitute my rash college makeover: I follow an alternative religion now. We worship our teachers for actually preparing us for college. There's some elements of Jainism thrown in there too.

This week, my sweater-clad and mason-jar-armed friends, has been Hell on ice. That's a loaded term. Obviously, Hell suggests that the week has been disastrous, overwhelming and has possibly involved torture.
The on-ice part, though, indicates that it has also been full of pageantry, tinsel and tight pink leotards.
And while I have to concede that the fuchsia spandex may have been missing, the rest of it is pretty damn accurate.

This has been PLU's illustrious Dead Week, thoughtfully coinciding with the most rigorous concert schedule I have ever had. Six concerts, people. Two long bus rides. Lots of talk about the holiness of Christ and the beauty of Mary.

As a side note, wouldn't it be funny if Mary actually turned out to be super, super unfortunate looking? Can you imagine the justifications that would be attempted? "She's just big boned!" "She was going through and awkward stage!" "She was an adorable toddler!"
It would be glorious.

Despite their terrible planning in terms of considerate musical programming, I do find myself falling in love with the school I have landed in. I like walking around campus at night. I like the little tables outside the cafeteria, each with their own half-assed cause in need of my support, please, it'll just take a second. I adore my English professor, but don't tell her because I am doing a really good job of loving her from afar. I am making tentative friendships, but I'm being careful. I like the coffee-shop on the corner, where I know a girl who has a mohawk and where I curl up beside Alex on the couch and try to pretend like I don't have an appointment in twenty minutes. 

There have been some downfalls. Moments where I wonder if I'm in the right place, seriously, a middle of the morning, cold-sweat kind of panic. I missed my first concert. I've played some Shostakovich really badly. Not like picky-stuff bad. Just flat out ugly. And there vast days of feeling a little lonely, because there is an unholy lack of flannel and guitars here. No one dyes their hair the shades of a rainbow. And I miss, pathetically enough, Savage underlining things on the whiteboard, and Paul getting excited about some concert that we will barely pull off. 
Yes, I think, I have missed things. Worse at the beginning of the year. But now, new things are creeping up on me, and I'm starting to feel like this place might be home soon. 

A quick story:
The other day, I was walking toward the University Center with my cello on my back and my enormous bag on my shoulder, and I was kind of toddling along like I normally do, and trying to pretend like I was totally used to lifting this amount of weight on a cross-campus journey.
So I'm stumbling along, headphones for once silent, and I hear this kind of crazy clapping of flip-flops on the frozen path, and suddenly there's this guy, who I've honestly barely said two words to, telling me to hand over my bag. And after a little debate, I handed over the bag and he helped me deliver my things to the University Center. 
"That thing is bigger than you are," 
I promise he wasn't trying to hit on me (Ha!), or on anyone in the area. I think that's when I started to feel like I was in the right spot.

I hope I see you all quickly. I hope that you are rosy and calm and relieved and happy. I think I am, although, with two papers, a concert, and several finals to study for, I don't think I look it at the moment. 
I'm going to sign off here, otherwise, we're headed for even more sentimentality, and things could get ugly. 
but do take care,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

err mah gerd, correge!!!

Sorry for the delayed blog post, it’s getting near finals week and I’m drowning in essays and reading. I’ll give ya’ll the lowdown!

I’m having a great time at Vassar so far. Obligatory pretty pictures incoming:

I live here (Main Building). Built in 1865. It's like living in a museum.

(This is a picture I found on the internet, it's hard to actually take a picture of this building with your phone. It's too big to get a good angle).

Here's one of the buildings, Rockefeller Hall:

Here's the library: 

and here are some of the hoodlums that I loiter with:

The guy in front with the red tie is my roommate, Tim. He's from San Antonio. He's a righteous dude.

But really, what's college without this:

My favorite class (so far) has been my History of Western Philosophy class. We started with reading the presocratics, then moved on to Plato, and now we're at Aristotle. Fun fact: Aristotle writings are batshit intense. The more you know.

I'm taking a weight training class (lol, iknowrite?)

I'm working with the "Campus Current," which is the NPR station on campus. I've been doing a segment on the show, Question on the Quad. It's weird to talk on the radio. 

I'm in a jazz combo. It's TNT.

I'm in a really shitty "sexually frustrated punk-rock" band called Copsdaughter. We have three guitarists, a bassists, a guy who screams through a megaphone, and me. We've had two shows so far: at the first, someone went through a window (he's fine, no one was injured except the window, we were on ground level), and someone crashed through my drumset at the second. It's crazy. I've never seen mosh pits this hardcore in person. We make music music in the same way that books are coat hangers.

So ya, it's pretty much exactly like Roswell.

What else, what else...oh, I have a beard now. and I shaved my head a little while ago. It's growing back though. 

I look like this:

But I'm still doing this:

What more is there to say?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

College : The Story So Far "DUNOFILMS"

I make videos better than writing. Here you go friends.
Special appearance by: Joe Bakke

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Learning in the Woods

Here it is, short and sweet :)

I'm making a horror film.

Meet my lovely movie making buddies-

Ian: Chill, Seattle skater. Mostly sleeps during class, but makes up for it by being a brilliant film maker

 Christian: Gamer/Hipster, with an apartment full of light sabers and cats. Composing daunting music for the film

Jonah: Peppy, but an intensely cynical writer who often, affectionately, shares creatives disagreements with Ian. Script writer of course

And last but not least, and without a picture unfortunately...
William: a quite, intellectual film buff who speaks up when he has something really important to say. 

Lights, Camera, and Action

Class would be a sad place without my nerdy group of misfits :)

My Film teacher is quite the character. He goes by Tug because he grew up on a tug boat. I absolutely love him.

My psychology teacher was an ivy league Playboy model, so you think she would be cool, right? 
She's awful. 

Meet some of my closest friends outside of class, or at least the ones I have pictures of-

Coffee-loving hipster from South Dakota. Genuine, beautiful, and absolutely wonderful

Callie's boyfriend. Opinionated and hilarious. Can't stay in one place for very long, always traveling. About to start a speakeasy/coffee bar/bakery in South Dakota for the winter. 
They're both so great, I never feel like a third wheel.

Bubbly, social butterfly from New Jersey on her way to becoming a nature-loving greener. 

We make dinner together in our dorms, drink wine, and chill out together, check out speakeasies, or have a 3 am study sesh at The Reef, or go on other crazy adventures!

Dorm life is not for me, so I escape and go on hikes with a friend to maintain sanity-

McClane Creek Beaver Pond

Nisqually Wildlife Refuge

Dungeness Spit
 followed by the Dungeness Lighthouse

But at the end of the day it's back to...

following a Volkswagen at least.

Evergreen is no doubt the school for me, but the next step is an apartment off campus, possibly a break from school and plenty of traveling!

Love always, 


Sunday, November 11, 2012

The plan for a classy, non photobooth picture of us was not meant to be, so as i pass the blog on the Melia, let me introduce you to the wonderful people i have been sleeping with for the past few months.

Emma, the turtle, bread-baker, crafter, and absolutely positively hilarious, beautiful, and genuine person.
Kate, a dazzling down-to-earth, adventurous, stunning, and cool belly-dancing cat,
Caitlin, a delightful, charming sprite, who bakes up a storm, and is the most caring person ever.

Love you all,

p.s. I hope to see some of you over Thanksgiving break!